my end used to be very near--but--these days it seems to be a little further away. yippee.
stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
The end is so close now....
by punkofnice inaren't they tiring out from saying this now?.
a jobo pimi-lite i know has a terminal illness (no names, no pack drill), was told, 'hold on, the end is so close.
the pimi-lite said they will need to hold on to their 'go bags(tm), then!.
stan livedeath
so does Jools Holland, and Roger Daltry ( the WHO ?) i think.
ive been an N gauger for 50 years on and off...and have been in the process of filling a 14' by 8' room with a layout over the last 18 months.
stan livedeath
any of you lot into model railways ?
My wife and I have begun our fade
by James Jack ini haven’t posted in awhile.
my wife asked me after the year 2000 came and went without fanfare(because the wt organization said all the “new world” would be here within this 20th century would end), “ what would it take for you to leave the truth?”.
my reply was “ if i turn 60 in this “system of things”.
stan livedeath
My Name is of No Consequence4 hours ago
I've been pretty much out of the borg now for 5 years or so. I was in it my whole life. Now that I'm in my late 30's, I'm beginning to wonder about actually growing old and it scares me.
Growing old...? ive been young for almost 72 years.
Hellooooo! 6 years since i posted
by Aussie Oz inso... it has been six years since my last post.
i wonder who still remembers me?
a lot has changed and then again, a lot has not.... i'm still out of course as are my children who are doing very well.
stan livedeath
Hellooooo! 6 years since i posted
by Aussie Oz inso... it has been six years since my last post.
i wonder who still remembers me?
a lot has changed and then again, a lot has not.... i'm still out of course as are my children who are doing very well.
stan livedeath
great to see you again Oz, i used to be Bigmac
when you were on here previously.
Court overturns $35 million sex abuse verdict against Jehovah's Witnesses
by iwantoutnow inshocking!.
the montana supreme court has unanimously overturned the largest civil verdict against the jehovah's witnesses in u.s. history in a closely-watched case on the requirements of religious leaders to report suspected incidents of child sexual abuse.. the ruling, issued wednesday, erased a $35 million jury verdict to alexis “lexi” nunez, who was abused by a member of the thompson falls, mont, congregation.
elders at the local kingdom hall knew of separate allegations against the man, but did not report those to law enforcement after relying on legal advice from headquarters that clergy in montana are not required to report allegations deemed by religious organizations to be “confidential.”.
stan livedeath
that $35 million the watchtower has just saved will no doubt be used to build many more kingdom halls in africa....
Court overturns $35 million sex abuse verdict against Jehovah's Witnesses
by iwantoutnow inshocking!.
the montana supreme court has unanimously overturned the largest civil verdict against the jehovah's witnesses in u.s. history in a closely-watched case on the requirements of religious leaders to report suspected incidents of child sexual abuse.. the ruling, issued wednesday, erased a $35 million jury verdict to alexis “lexi” nunez, who was abused by a member of the thompson falls, mont, congregation.
elders at the local kingdom hall knew of separate allegations against the man, but did not report those to law enforcement after relying on legal advice from headquarters that clergy in montana are not required to report allegations deemed by religious organizations to be “confidential.”.
stan livedeath
i wonder if the watchtower cult will publicise this?
Outcast Doctrines
by Socrateswannabe inin a recent post about the watchtower’s claim that all animals were created as vegetarians, one commenter said that watchtower could no longer sustain this belief so they simply stopped talking about it.
i began thinking about other wacky doctrines and statements by the borg that have faded away.
i’ll offer two of them below, but the complete list must be longer than your arm.. 7000 year-long creative days: watchtower once taught that each of the creative days was 7,000 years in duration, hence the hype leading up to 1975. they believed that year marked 6,000 years since adam’s creation, and oh how nicely the 1,000-year reign would fit as the last piece of the puzzle, thus completing the final “day”.
stan livedeath
it was the 7000 year day that did it for me. utter tosh. that was over 50 years ago.
Do You Use “ALEXA”?
by minimus ini got the amazon echo dot and it’s pretty good.
do you use it for anything?.
stan livedeath
my daughter in law bought me one for xmas--previous one. it plays the radio. she also bought me a bulb for it to turn on. it didnt. needed a special plug. so she got me a plug. dont work either,
i'm quite ok turning the lights on with a switch. they work.
this year she got me a thin version of alexa--so i can play the radio through my audio system, which doesnt work.